WG # XIV Official Schedule


“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” -Mary Oliver (rest in peace)

3pm – Welcome! Make yourself at home.

4pm – Open fire Cooking w/ Rachel Mifsud

5pm – POTLUCK dinner (no kitchen staff on duty this night, so make sure to bring something good)

7pm – Opening Ceremony and Brush Burn by the Pond

8:30 – MUSIC

Chey Halliwill (Singer/Songwriter from Jackson, MI)

Samuel Lockridge (Folk music from Kentucky)

Joshua Barton and Eric Gallippo (Dadrock blisskrieg or “Fields of Industry minus music”) from Lansing and Ypsilanti, MI)


“Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” – Mary Oliver

9am – Breakfast

10am – Water Ceremony w/ Panoka Walker

11am – Open Fire Cooking w/ Rachel Mifsud

Noon – Lunch

1:30 – Outdoor Games for Adults
– Outdoor Games for Kids w/ Natalya Aho

3pm – Reawaken Our Senses Hike w/ Shawn Severance

5pm – Dinner

6:30pm – Talk on Manoomin: The Story of Wild Rice in Michigan by Barb Barton  at neighbor’s house down the street. Shuttle bus to be provided. Or you can walk.
– Kids Activities in the Maple Mansion

8:30pm – MUSIC

Post Pubescent Woes (Folk Punk from Ohio)

Conspicuous Bystanders (Rock ‘N Roll from Jackson, MI)

theillalogicalspoon (Primal Anarchy and The Gospel)

Midnight – Annual, sacred walk in the dark to dunk our heads in Iron Creek w/ Joshua Siegrist

Rise and Shine campers

8am -Connecting with Nature through a Birds Eye View. w/ Craig PerdueFirst hour a hike, Second hour a talk back by the house

10am – Pancake Breakfast

12pm – Closing Ceremony by the Pond

1pm – Clean Up and Farewells via the “Tipton Wave”

“When it’s over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.”  – Mary Oliver

a few notes on what to bring and what to expect Please Read:It is going to be an awesome gathering packed with so many totally cool revolutionary activities you’ll hardly believe your reawakened senses.

* Bring food to share. Also coffee and tea and chaga. A potluck dish for friday, and lots of ingredients to give the cooks for the other meals. Such as: veggies, farm fresh eggs, flour, rice, mushrooms, etc…
* Bring your dreams and inspire us with them. Bring your prophecies that challenge and restore.
* Dress warm. We’ll be outdoors a lot. Bring bedding and consider camping out if that is possible for you.
* Dream new dreams and sing them around the fire.
* No shoes in the house!
* No dogs (Sorry, we love dogs, but the house is already too packed)
* No alcohol or drugs at ceremonies
* Bring some cash to give to our musicians, speakers, and cooks 🙂 Also we will take up a donation for Camp Anishinaabek and the Water Protectors that are defending the Straits of Mackinac from Line 5.
* Bring your Joy to share as we’ve all had more than enough sadness for one lifetime.


Winter Gathering #12. Wagbo. East Jordan, MI

O, here it comes again. A gathering like a winter storm, greatly anticipated and meant to be played in. Swirling around us and all of our lovers and even our enemies. Courageous chickadees joyfully sing, “You don’t have to do anything except be yourself”. All are welcome to this table. Have another round on us!

There will be music and fire and hikes and head dunking and discussions and skill shares, and all the eating, drinking, and merry making you have come to expect. We are not over it.

Look to the Hills, not the windmills. The Glory!Though the light we once saw is sometimes now veiled, we still will not buy what none should sell. Be the solar panel you want to install. Community is alive if we commune and breathe our own life into it.

Given the fact that civilization is so inhospitable to community and that it’s killing the planet it looks like our tomorrows will be harder than our todays, so, let’s keep holding hands and meet them face to face. Be brave.

Radio Shack has gone out of business, but the Winter Gathering prevails!

Beginning Friday, 1/25/19, at 5pm with a POTLUCK dinner first thing. 
full schedule to be posted soon…
Come bearing gifts (especially ones we can eat 🙂
Love, The Editors (of a new zine: Leaf Litter: Notes on Restoring and Reinhabiting the Great Lakes Bioregion)

P.S. We just dumpstered a ton of Christmas cards last night, so if you send me your snail mail address to theillalogicalspoon@gmail.com, you just might find a real letter in your real mailbox.


Tour has taken me on a beautiful journey deep into the heart of Appalachia, but now it is time to head north again. Fall has been rainy in this part of the world, but today I face the rising sun and looking left i know the directions even though i have no GPS. I have always had a strong homing instinct set to Michigan. I’m looking forward to the snow.

Thank you to everyone who has hosted shows so far! You have made this trip not only possible, but pleasurable! Everywhere i have been i’ve met a lot of folks are doing a lot of amazing work for the common good of us all and it is humbling and inspiring to see. I’ve also had many good conversations, and i hope those can continue. Keep your lamps trimmed and burning, and keep in touch!

P.S. I’ll be out traveling again later this winter. I’m trying to get out west, so let me know if you want to set up a show.

Video from house show in Durham, NC

Jeremy’s 2018 Fall tour begins!

Well, the autumn colors have reached their peak around here, and now what is left but to fall? No, the fun is not done yet! The Raven has been read and so the ceremony begins. The guitar is ripe to raise red fire. Is it sadness? No. It’s raging desire and love. The nomadic wind blows again and says it is time to travel. It is time for everyone to bring what ever fuel they have to keep the communal blaze burning. Of resistance, of restoration, of friendship, of… (there is no last word. There is only life.) I look forward to seeing y’all out at the shows! I am so excited to gather with folks for music and food and conversation and whatever else… When we meet face to face in this manner it is more than just another crowd, it is good medicine to all souls – saints and sinners alike.

Keep checking the tour schedule as I will be updating often as more shows get confirmed (and some get canceled). Shows

Exciting news! – I’ll be traveling with the brand new official hardcopy version of the band’s latest #4, Part B: Another Log for the Fire, as well as much of our older material. I will also have a new zine, just being printed today, from members of the Iron Creek Land Community (where I live and work) called Leaf Litter: Notes on Restoring and Reinhabiting the Great Lakes Bio-Region (and beyond)

“What will happen to your tribe if you don’t know your gift to bring?
Even a log for the fire, it would help your people sing,
Through this dark and arctic time.
What will happen to your life if you have no tribe to dance with?
Only cold and lonely nights, but that’s a question we must ask.
What will happen to your life if you don’t know your skill to serve?
What will happen to our lives if we don’t grow and we don’t learn?
Lord have mercy, may we learn.” -From Feel, Feel, Feel by theillalogicalspoon

Music As a Weapon

A regularly occurring experience of being in a band is being posed the question about what styles you play, or what genre you are. Of course we would like to say that we can’t be defined, but most of us seem to be in the habit of putting things in categories anyway. So, judge for yourselves, but I’ve always felt that we were a punk band at heart. Perhaps we haven’t always looked the part, but for many of us who have contributed to this experiment over the years that is where our roots lie. Labels are not the important thing anyway. The point is that the ethos of the anarcho-punk milieu continues enlivening the spirit of our project to this day. To that point i highly recommend this article published by CrimethInc that gives a good analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of what that milieu was: Music as a weapon

Also, in that same vein, check out the Celtic Punk band Ballydowse. They put on some incredibly inspiring shows in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, and they always had a lot of good stuff to say, and a bunch of literature at there table to take home so one could follow up on the ideas. They really helped me solidify the connections I was starting to make between anarchy and christianity.

And to continue our series of highlighting Jackson bands (and pumpkin heads) here is some footage of local legends Black Monday. They were my first punk show.

Now is Light

We love to promote Jackson music! Check out this video from fellow Jackson band LVRS. It contains old footage from Grass Lake that includes Jeremy’s dad dancing around when he was a kid. Plus it’s a great song, from their great new album that came out earlier this year.

The only solution,

if your problem is that you need live music for your next house party, is to book Jeremy this fall! He will be traveling in November throughout the midwest, east, and mid-south. In December he will head south and west. Contact him at theillalogicalspoon@gmail.com or 517-435-6079

To all the ones we’ve loved before

it’s a new year, we have a new chance of gear,  i swear we can see clear now the clouds are coming near…

theillalogicalspoon has been in a sort of summer hibernation, but as the weather starts cooling down, if i starts cooling down, we’ll start waking up. here in the north country it’s the struggle of winter that makes us come alive. so you can look forward to some winter shows, but to start things off Jeremy is going to do a late fall solo tour. check back soon for more details.