Winter Gathering #12. Wagbo. East Jordan, MI

O, here it comes again. A gathering like a winter storm, greatly anticipated and meant to be played in. Swirling around us and all of our lovers and even our enemies. Courageous chickadees joyfully sing, “You don’t have to do anything except be yourself”. All are welcome to this table. Have another round on us!

There will be music and fire and hikes and head dunking and discussions and skill shares, and all the eating, drinking, and merry making you have come to expect. We are not over it.

Look to the Hills, not the windmills. The Glory!Though the light we once saw is sometimes now veiled, we still will not buy what none should sell. Be the solar panel you want to install. Community is alive if we commune and breathe our own life into it.

Given the fact that civilization is so inhospitable to community and that it’s killing the planet it looks like our tomorrows will be harder than our todays, so, let’s keep holding hands and meet them face to face. Be brave.

Radio Shack has gone out of business, but the Winter Gathering prevails!

Beginning Friday, 1/25/19, at 5pm with a POTLUCK dinner first thing. 
full schedule to be posted soon…
Come bearing gifts (especially ones we can eat 🙂
Love, The Editors (of a new zine: Leaf Litter: Notes on Restoring and Reinhabiting the Great Lakes Bioregion)

P.S. We just dumpstered a ton of Christmas cards last night, so if you send me your snail mail address to theillalogicalspoon@gmail.com, you just might find a real letter in your real mailbox.