Music As a Weapon

A regularly occurring experience of being in a band is being posed the question about what styles you play, or what genre you are. Of course we would like to say that we can’t be defined, but most of us seem to be in the habit of putting things in categories anyway. So, judge for yourselves, but I’ve always felt that we were a punk band at heart. Perhaps we haven’t always looked the part, but for many of us who have contributed to this experiment over the years that is where our roots lie. Labels are not the important thing anyway. The point is that the ethos of the anarcho-punk milieu continues enlivening the spirit of our project to this day. To that point i highly recommend this article published by CrimethInc that gives a good analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of what that milieu was: Music as a weapon

Also, in that same vein, check out the Celtic Punk band Ballydowse. They put on some incredibly inspiring shows in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, and they always had a lot of good stuff to say, and a bunch of literature at there table to take home so one could follow up on the ideas. They really helped me solidify the connections I was starting to make between anarchy and christianity.

And to continue our series of highlighting Jackson bands (and pumpkin heads) here is some footage of local legends Black Monday. They were my first punk show.